The List
The list is an exploration tool in Arctic Lines - It guides Antti & the crew to search different adventures on their quest to showcase diversity of freeriding in the Arctic Circle.
The list consists of 30 freeriding adventures that vary from aesthetic alpine faces and classic couloirs in Norway and Sweden to beautiful wilderness areas in Finnish Lapland. Most of the lines are predefined, but on some special occasions, the list evolves when new, inviting adventures or opportunities arise.
Check the categories below and select an adventure. This will give you a chance to explore in more detail.
The adventures will be added when new episodes air on YouTube.
So far, 17 of the 30 adventures have been fully completed.
Classic Couloirs
There are hundreds of couloirs in the Arctic that can be considered as classics. These were chosen because of their status and popularity amongst Northern freeride communities.
Urdkjerringa (Tooth) - Kjosen, Lyngen Alps, Norway
The Hat Couloir - Hatteng, Norway
Stetind North Couloir - Tysfjord, Norway
Finnish Lapland
More famous for the -30 °C weather than deep snow, but when the conditions are right, Finnish Lapland holds great potential for amazing freeriding adventures in the fjells, sometimes even under the Northern Lights.
Swedish Lapland
Known for the famous Riksgränsen ski resort and road-accessed touring areas, but there is much more to Swedish Lapland. In fact, some of the highest mountains in the project are located here.
This is one of the most unexplored areas for human-powered freeriding because of its solitude and rapidly changing weather.
Kilpisjärvi Area
Kilpisjärvi in Finland is a highland area expanding over the Swedish and Norwegian borders. In Kilpisjärvi, you can find some of the most rugged mountains of the North.
Ridnitšohkka - Finland’s Highest Peak
Tierbmisvarri Central Couloir - Finland’s best couloirs
There is always the possibility of something special waiting around the corner. A new area, linking lines together – or most importantly, ways of expanding the idea of freeriding in the North. This category is going to be truly special!
The Finnish Columbia Traverse - Ruka, Finland
Tamok Pipes - Tamokdalen, Norway
A massif is a group of mountains that forms an independent part of a larger range. For freeriding, these are the most spectacular big mountain playgrounds that the Arctic has to offer!
In Arctic Lines, each massif chosen for the project contain three different missions that have to be completed before the massif can be considered fully completed for the list.
Lakselvtindane Massif
1/3 missions completed:
The Flash
Big and Beautiful. These lines simply inspire you to think and wonder how it would feel to ride them. These are the most aesthetic lines of the project.